Life Map

Mission [far in the future]

I want to foster a community where people grow and thrive

In order to create a world of courageous, grounded, and connected individuals

Vision [about 1 year in the future]

It’s Saturday, May 10, 2025. I and Bita are getting ready for our goodbye party tonight, and we are feeling anxious and excited at once!

We are leaving in a few days to Malta to begin the next stage of our lives. We have our money invested to generate most of our living costs. We also have cash on hand to fill up the gaps if we need to. My business is slowly growing, but I’m not worried any more – I work on it to advance my mission, not to get money to live.

Leverage Ladder


Quarter DCA Bonus 1
Q4 Finish any admin and find companies for moving  
Q3 ☑️ Research and choose destination country Finish neuro-feedback therapy
Q2 ☑️ Invest our cash into dividends ☑️ Build an exercise habit
Q1 ☑️ Fill in my tax return  

DCA: Liberate myself from the shackles of time and money to create more spontaneity in my life

Done criteria:

  • We generate €36000 every year in semi-passive income
  • We are clear about the country we want to go to
  • We know the steps we must take next year to actually move


  • Invested €100,000 into dividends which should give us €8000-€10000 per year
  • Chose Malta as the country
  • Looked into copy trading. testing returns/drawdowns with €4900
  • Spoke to a friend to help us trrade with bots

Bonus 1: spoil my body and mind to be able to help everyone else

Put on my own mask first. Make self-care something amazing, instead of a “should”. Bring more fun into it and make it a habit.

Done criteria:

  • I take time out once a day to rest between my work blocks
  • I am headache-free


  • I’m doing Yoga at least once a day, and aiming for twice a day